The Horror of genocide\Ужас Геноцида 24 апреля 1915 года..... (Firstly named - "Komitas Song. There was...") Введение Дата 24 апреля 1915 года занимает особое место не только в истории геноцида армян, но и в истории армянского народа в целом. Именно в этот день в Константинополе начались массовые аресты армянской интеллектуальной, религиозной, экономической и политической элиты, что привело к полному уничтожению целой плеяды виднейших деятелей армянской культуры. В списки подлежаших аресту попали люди разных политических взглядов и профессий: писатели, артисты, музыканты, учителя, врачи, юристы, журналисты, бизнесмены, политические и религиозные лидеры; единственное, что их роднило — национальная принадлежность и положение в обществе. Аресты видных фигур армянской общины продолжались в турецкой столице с небольшими перерывами до конца мая, при этом никаких обвинений задержанным не предъявлялось. Ещё в феврале-марте из провинций начали поступать сведения об арестах и убийствах армянских лидеров, но именно с константинопольских арестов началось полномасштабное уничтожение армянской элиты по всей стране..... The forgotten elimination was accomplished There were children standing near Saved Komitas was never ever pleased There were people screaming near The plan was mastered by Turkish Power There was cursed obiturary's mile Many weeks had lasted path to tower There was venue of a death, exile The guardian had beaten him down There weren't dead bodies nowhere He heard screamings of dying There were sad people and a prayer Passing across skeletons and bodies There was women lying and stoned Her utero had been cut down by a sword There was child that had no good word Komitas was deathly scared inside out He came cadaverous getting speech out There were a desert and hungry mental There were people with broken souls Among them - Komitas was impedimental To realize the plan which forced to crawl He had only sad smile on his naked face There was meaningless talking with friends He flinched and murmured something He didn't want to covet nothing There was killing road to dark exile Komitas inhaled but couldn't exhale They knew their death was near Anticipating end they couldn't see it Komitas deserved to get a bliss In final hour it was occured There was time to guess and cease There were feelings persued There was Komitas in his tame solitude There was man who cursed them There was a saturated broken heart There was a spirit with stern attitude There was no mercy There was nothing to see...